
Your Biophilic Profile is a snapshot of your complex relationship with the more-than-human realm. It is designed as an educational tool rather than for predicting trends.

Your profile comprises the scores of each of the ten Biophilic Values. For each of the ten values/responses, participants could acquire a score between 5 and 20 points.

**Important ** This is not a test but rather a tool to inspire reflection.

Learn more about each of the ten Biophilic Values to see how you might interpret your profile.

To help educators and practitioners, we have created a Drive for you to explore the history of Biophilia as a conceptual framework, the development of the biophilic profile instrument, and what are some of the valuable research that is using this framework that supports the theory.

The Biophilic Profile is designed as an educational tool. It is daunting to capture something as complex as our relationship to the more-than-human realm with any tool. However, we have found the profile as a valuable segue to reflection and dialogue. Feel free to use it, and adapt it to meet your needs.

Find ways to collaborate and use the tool for your purposes. Contact us.